Digital Assets Readiness Check

Are you ready to tokenize and liquidify your assets?

Find out just how ready you are

Digital Assets has financial, legal, and technical aspects. Initiating Digital Assets may seem complicated at first, but we’ll guide you every step along the way. Our Digital Assets Readiness Check helps you to discover what variables go into the equation and how to think about these.

Our quiz has four sections and upon finishing you’ll receive your personal report.


Company Design

How you designed your company, or how you intend to design it. About the number of (desired) shareholders, the nominal value of shares, etc.


Vision and fears of the Senior Management

The vision of the executive board. This section of the report helps you to think about voting rights, investor meetings, dividend entitlements, expectations and fears you might have, etc.


Required Preparations

Variables and options to think about before you can actually start to sell tokenized shares through an STO.


Cost of Knowledge

Gain insights into the costs incurred in preparing, designing, and carrying out an STO (your Security Token Offering). Also, gain insight into the costs for managing and administrating your shareholder register (Security Token Management).

Is tokenization the way forward for your organization?

Find out in 5 easy steps that should take only 15 minutes.

  1. Enter your name and contact information.
  2. Find your login details in your emailbox.
  3. Answer 40 questions about your organization.
  4. Download your free personalized Digital Assets Readiness Report.
  5. Discover exactly when and how an Digital Assets is of value to you.

Get in touch

Want to get in touch? We’d love to hear from you. Here’s how you can reach us…

Helium 12A, 4751XB Oud Gastel

 The Netherlands

+31 165 33 22 44

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