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VissiaVisie Podcast:  Blockchain

VissiaVisie Podcast: Blockchain

What problems are “crying out” for blockchain? What does the better world look like in which money flows are not, or at least much less, controlled by governments and banks? Can you genuinely get rich with bitcoin? This Dutch podcast addresses these questions and more.

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Crypto Delta launches new initiative for capital markets innovation

Crypto Delta launches new initiative for capital markets innovation

Crypto Delta is a unique collaboration initiative aiming to build an ecosystem for the issuance of digital, blockchain based, assets to create an internationally favourable environment for companies that want to issue digital assets in the Netherlands. he key to this is a shared vision and collaboration between all stakeholders (industry, SME, start-ups, advisors, VC’s, etc.) to instil trust and deliver sustainable innovation that is required for a stable ecosystem.

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Future of Capital Markets

Future of Capital Markets

This position paper is the work of more than a year of research and discussion between Liqwith and Chaintip. The result? A proposal for a new ecosystem in the financial world. Our goal is to bring together new technologies and traditional financial parties in the Netherlands.

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Interview with Herman Vissia on the BNR Podcast

Interview with Herman Vissia on the BNR Podcast

Our first STO story (at the moment referred to as an IPCO, short for Initial Public Coin Offering) at BNR during the Cryptocast of Thursday 31th of may. We had the opportunity to promote this technique to our first customers and to tell more about ByeleX, The Next Innovation Company.

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Is tokenization the way forward for your organization?

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  1. Enter your name and contact information.
  2. Answer 40 questions about your organization.
  3. Download your free personalized Digital Assets Readiness Report.
  4. Discover exactly when and how Digital Assets is of value to you.

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4751 XB Oud Gastel

+31 165 33 22 44

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