Privacy Policy

Liqwith is the administrator of the website (“the Website”). Your personal data is used by Liqwith in order to provide the information, products, and/or services on the Website and to enable you to make active use of our Website. Naturally, we respect and safeguard your privacy in this respect by means of compliance with the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act [Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens] and AVG [Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming].

The following points are answered below:

  • When is personal data provided?
  • What personal data is processed by Liqwith?
  • For what purposes is this data processed?
  • The use of cookies;
  • Security measures regarding personal data;
  • What rights do you have regarding your personal data?
  • How can you exercise these rights?
  • When is personal data provided?

You do not have to register with Liqwith in order to visit the Website.

What personal data is processed?
You may have to provide the following personal data to download the white paper: your name and your email. Liqwith will not share this data with third parties, other than in cases where data have to be provided by law.

Purpose of the data processing
Liqwith processes personal data in order to offer users who make use of the information, products and/or services provided on or via the Website the opportunity to actively use the Website, taking account of the personal preferences and interests of users.

The data is processed appropriately and with due care in accordance with the law and are not otherwise processed in a manner incompatible with the purposes for which Liqwith has obtained them.

Use of cookies: What are cookies?
Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer or mobile telephone and are mainly used to remember the user’s preferences. In short, a cookie remembers information such as the pages you have visited in order to provide you with optimal user experience, relevant content, and advertising.

Why does Liqwith use cookies?
Liqwith may place cookies for purposes including the following:

  • To analyse usage of the Website
  • To improve the Website

Cookies cannot be used to identify an individual person. Cookies do not record your name, address, age or gender. You can easily remove cookies in your browser.

This Website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies (text files placed on your computer) to assist the website to analyze how the users use the site. The information generated by the cookie regarding your use of the website (including your IP address) is transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google uses this information to monitor how you use the website, to prepare reports on website activity for website operators, and to offer other services with regard to website activity and internet usage. Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is obliged to do so by law, or to the extent that these third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not combine your IP address with other data in Google’s possession. You can choose to refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser. However, we wish to note that if you do so, you may not be able to use all the features of the Website. By using this Website you give your permission for the processing of information by Google in the manner and for the purposes described above.

Can you block cookies?
If you would prefer Liqwith not to place cookies on your computer, you can use the privacy settings of your browser to block cookies from either specific websites or all cookies from all websites that you visit. The method varies depending on your browser; if necessary, consult the help function in your browser.

  • More information on cookie settings for Chrome
  • More information on cookie settings for Firefox
  • More information on cookie settings for Internet Explorer
  • More information on cookie settings for Safari
  • More information on cookie settings for Flash

Note: if you block cookies, you will not always be able to use all the features of a website. Moreover, blocking cookies only affects the computer and browser on which you make this adjustment. If you use several computers and/or browsers you will have to make this adjustment as often as necessary.

Liqwith monitors which subjects or applications are of interest to users by, among other means, reviewing the subjects on the Website that are most frequently visited. This data is processed in aggregate form and anonymously for use by Liqwith. They can best be compared with audience figures for television and radio. Another example would be comparative research data, such as “users reading articles on asset management are often also interested in price information.” Certain profiles are formulated on the basis of these data to enable Liqwith to establish which subjects on the Website are the most interesting to users and which groups of users consult the Website most frequently, enabling Liqwith to improve and expand the Website and more effectively design the Website to cater for the interests of users. Since the data used for this purpose is processed anonymously, personal data is not involved. Your privacy is therefore safeguarded.

Security measures regarding personal data
Liqwith ensures that suitable technical and organizational measures are in place to protect personal data against loss or any form of wrongful processing.

Your rights concerning your data
Users have the right to request information with regard to their personal data processed by us and may subsequently:

  • Add data;
  • Improve data;
  • Have the data removed;
  • Have the data protected;

if the data is factually incorrect, incomplete for the purpose or purposes of the processing, not relevant, or is otherwise processed in conflict with a statutory provision.

Liqwith strives to keep your personal information correct and up to date. If there are changes to your personal information, we kindly request that you inform Liqwith accordingly in writing. If you are no longer interested in our offers, you can also notify Liqwith to this effect in writing.

How can you exercise these rights?
If you wish to exercise these rights or have other questions regarding our privacy policy, you can send Liqwith an e-mail. Our e-mail address is

Liqwith reserves the right to change this privacy statement. Changes will be published on this Website.

Contacting Us
If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us using the information below.

Liqwith BV
High-Tech Campus 32
5656 AE Eindhoven
The Netherlands

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Get in touch

Want to get in touch? We’d love to hear from you. Here’s how you can reach us…

EINDHOVEN OFFICE, High Tech Campus 32, 5656 AE Eindhoven, Room 3.304

+31 165 33 22 44

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