STO Readiness Check

Wat komt er allemaal kijken bij een Security Token Offering?

Ontdek of uw bedrijf er klaar voor is

A Security Token Offering has financial, legal, and technical aspects. Initiating an STO may seem complicated at first, but we’ll guide you every step along the way. Our STO Readiness Check helps you to discover what variables go into the equation and how to think about these.

Our quiz has four sections and upon finishing you’ll receive your personal report.


Company Design

How you designed your company, or how you intend to design it. About the number of (desired) shareholders, the nominal value of shares, etc.


Vision and fears of the Senior Management

The vision of the executive board. This section of the report helps you to think about voting rights, investor meetings, dividend entitlements, expectations and fears you might have, etc.


Required Preparations

Variables and options to think about before you can actually start to sell tokenized shares through an STO.


Cost of Knowledge

Gain insights into the costs incurred in preparing, designing, and carrying out an STO (your Security Token Offering). Also, gain insight into the costs for managing and administrating your shareholder register (Security Token Management).

Gaat een STO uw bedrijf vooruit helpen?

Ontdek het in 4 stappen en in circa 15 minuten van je tijd

  1. Vul uw naam en contactgegevens in.
  2. Find your login details in your emailbox.
  3. Beantwoord 40 vragen over uw bedrijf of organisatie.
  4. Download gratis uw persoonlijke STO Readiness Rapport.
  5. Ontdek wanneer een STO voor u van waarde is.


Zo kunt u ons bereiken …

KANTOOR EINDHOVEN, High Tech Campus 32, 5656 AE Eindhoven, Kamer 3.304

+31 165 33 22 44

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